"Lets go there - now! My heart ran ahead. Let's leave the arena of wild bear and rabid raccoon and crazy men with axes, for the safety and comfort of a neighborhood, for the aroma of blueberry pies cooling on the kitchen windowsills, for little front yards and the idea of biking to work. The concept of biking to work should have given me the hint that I was getting carried away. And why was it priced so far below all that we'd seen, and what did she mean by "white elephant"? "
From this passage on, I was hooked. Don't ask me why it took me 9 pages-did I hear a bit of myself in her voice? I would recommend this book to anyone and to pass along the pleasure, I'm giving away my copy of the book (free to me, free to you). Please live in the United States and leave a comment by Sunday, May 8th (Mothers day!). I will notify the winner and send it off immediately so you can hopefully enjoy it as much as I did. Good luck!
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