Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Lolly's Citadel on eBay

One of my favourite modern, mid-century feel dollhouses is on eBay! The Lolly's Citadel, from Lolly's Dollhouse going for a disappointing (for me) US$750...

Until now, closeups and pictures of the interior have been non-existent!

Of course, this one isn't as perfect. It's been used/played and I'd reckon the winner will have to restore it to mid-century glory!

See the mezzanines!

Imagine the possibilities!

4 days more!
Bid for it here!

Blogposts to read:
Modern Dollhouses and Miniatures
Dream Doll House
Mini Modern

Update: CallSmall bought this at an offer price of $400! Can't wait to see what she does with it. First things first... rip off old musty carpet.

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