Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009


While organizing my archives today, I came across a photocopy of a print I shot in 1997, looking at it, I thought how ahead I was in my ideas, regularly shooting with my first second hand Minolta 35mm camera. I was already shooting retro tributes to the ATHLETIC MODEL GUILD. Although this photocopy is of poor quality, it was stuck to other copies of photos, now looking back, I am proud to have obtained the sensation of a sailor up to no good, a good boy gone bad in a seedy shack in a tropical port. As we look back at the models in the AMG archives and wonder what have happened to them ... I am wondering whatever became of my Tuscan sailor Alessio, all I remember was that he was so handsome, worked in a bank by day in Pistoia and was a club bouncer by night, probably married with children now ... hold the fantasy.

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